Sunday, December 16, 2007

Baby Belly at Capacity

so Jackie's going through another growth spurt. there's no way to be absolutely sure till she gets measured and weighed again, but we're 99% positive. how do we know? she's been eating every 2 hours or so for the last 2 days - even at night. she's gotten to the point where she can sleep 5 hours a stretch at night, so every 2 hours is a noticeable change. her behavior at this point is: eat, sleep, cry for food.

so it made us giggle when she cried for food this morning while she was eating. she burped up some food while she was eating. presently, she's lying on a pillow on mommy's lap, looking up at us - saying 'what you typing dad?'. well, baby, I'm saying that you are moving beyond piglette stage to full-on pig status. but we still love you.

in other Jackie news, her eyes are turning blue, she's starting to coo, we're getting the occasional smile (which is the absolute best thing in the world - it can make your anger at rocking her to sleep for and hour and a half at 4am melt away), she grunts and snorts, and it looks like her hair is getting a bit reddish!!! as my friend Liz noted in a gchat conversation this week, she is my doppelganger. we are actively looking for physical resemblance to mommy, but are sure that it will come in her personality.

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