Saturday, April 4, 2009


Adding to her list of sounds and words, Jackie hit us up this past week w/: owl (and it's accompanying 'hoo'), the letters a through f, numbers 1 and 2, and bubbles. While she's been saying bye-bye here and there for a while, it really took hold this past week, along w/ hi. This morning she followed all the directions given to her by her sing-songy satanic talking bear (actually, the bear has cute songs - it's the devilish fisher price dog that drives us batty) -
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, clap like this!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, blow a kiss!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, reach up high!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say bye-bye!
It's like we're at the beginning of a long race and we're starting to pick up speed...

Last weekend, a good friend and her son (just a few months older than Jackie) visited us from Houston. Jackie and the boy have known each other since they were just a few months old, so they remember one another when they visit. They're now old enough to recognize that one of them is a boy and one is a girl. Kind of. When we got them undressed for a co-ed bubble bath, th
e boy poked Jackie on the butt, then noticed she had no boy parts. "What's this? Where's her wee-wee? It should be right there!" This, of course, must have been his internal monologue as he squatted in front of Jackie to get a better view of what he couldn't find. This story will be forever retold as they grow older, embarrasing the two of them for years to come.

I see you under the table!

...moments before the glass shattered on the ground...

"Not now, I'm taking a call."

By the way, notice the nice scrape on her forehead in the last pic? She got blown over by the wind at the playground this week. I don't know if the wind is really strong at her daycare or if it's just really easy to knock her over.

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