Saturday, April 25, 2009


So we found out on Thursday that we're staying in Austin. Yay!! Once we got over the shock of our new situation, I think Kenny and I are both a little bit excited about it. Kenny has fantastic ideas all the time as to one thing or another that he wants to invent, build, whatever, and the only thing holding him back has been his slave-labor-type job. Well, now that that's out of the picture, he has all options open and waiting for him. I get to focus on my job for a little while, Jackie will get some great Daddy time, and our house might actually be clean for once. What will be even more fun will be watching Kenny figure out what he's going to do next on his career path. Like I said, it's exciting to have the world at your feet and nothing in your way :)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

super yay on you guys staying in Austin. All 3 of us are happy about that!

Welcome to the club Kenny (we aren't special... there are lots of us)... when do you want an unemployed parent play date? ;)