Sunday, February 25, 2007

so there she was...crying

ok emotional roller-coaster - here we come! this afternoon, a few hours after the taco excursion, cindy and i went to a book store to buy some pregnancy books w/ a gift certificate cindy got from giving one of her many fantastic margin tax lectures. we probably spent 30 minutes sitting on the floor looking at pictures of the baby developing through its nine months in the womb. that was kind of cool - do you know that the baby is actually an alien implanted in the woman's uterus? that's what it looked like, at least.

anyway, cindy got a book called 'You & Your Baby: Pregnancy' (i got her 'You & Your Baby: Eating Healthy' for her birthday, and it was so good that we got another one in the series) and i got 'My Boys Can Swim! The Official Guy's Guide to Pregnancy'. it looked like a quick and funny read. little did i know that it had the capacity to bring on the waterworks.

after we got home, i went outside to play w/ the dog, and cindy stayed inside reading our new books. 5 minutes later, as i'm rolling on the ground growling and wrestling w/ the dog, cindy comes out laughing. i know it's cute when i play w/ the dog, but not that funny! but wait - i think she's crying! no, she's laughing! what the hell is she doing?! all and none. cindy was reading my guy's guide to pregnancy, and apparently the story of the author's wife's delivery was something else. nope, actually it was nothing special. she had no idea why she was crying, so she started laughing, but then fell back to crying. it was pretty cute - i love pregnancy symptoms.

ultimately, i read the page that set cindy off. the author was in the delivery room as triplets were born - to his incredible surprise, having expected a single daughter. then his wife woke him up, saying 'honey, you were having a bad dream.' 'no', he replied, 'i was having a nightmare.' take note fathers-to-be, anything can set your wife to crying.

FOOTNOTE: according to p.23 of 'You & Your Baby: Pregnancy', "Don't be surprised if your moods are all over the place during the first few months of pregnancy. Hormone surges can certainly influence your roller-coaster ride of emotions, as can fatigue and anxiety."

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