Sunday, April 15, 2007

The moms are at it again

I'm glad we didn't make our moms wait too long before giving them something else to obsess over. After the wedding frenzy was over and life started to resume to a quasi-normal state (with the exception of the wedding photo proofs), Kenny and I sprang the baby news on them. On the day we told my parents, my mom wanted to immediately go out to Babies R Us, so we indulged her. That place is completely overwhelming, by the way. We had no idea what we were doing, what we were looking for, or where to begin. I think even my mom was overwhelmed. That trip wasn't the end of it, though. She called me today from USA Baby to ask me what baby monitors we had decided on because they were having a sale. I confessed to her that we hadn't even so much as glanced at baby products since we left Dallas (other than the onesies that Kenny came home with yesterday). She went on to tell me that she purchased a mattress, two baby blankets, a bath set, a new comforter for the guest bed (so the nice one that's in there now doesn't get destroyed), a set of linens for the crib, and various other things I can't remember. She also told me about the crib that they're about to buy for their house. It sounds much nicer than we one we'll probably be getting for ours.

Kenny's mom got just as excited, but her excitement has not yet turned into a shopping spree, although I'm sure that's just a matter of time. When we broke the news to her, she immediately took me down to their basement, where we pulled out the crib and sorted through some of the baby clothes and toys that she saved from when Kenny and Lauren were babies. She went down there a second time with Kenny. I have to admit, Lauren was a very well-dressed baby. And Kenny had some pretty kick ass big-kid toys, such as a complete Voltron robot, which I had to convince him to leave in New York as it's not Chicklet-appropriate for another couple of years.

This is all very fun. It's cool to see our parents get all crazy over grandkids.

UPDATE: this is Kenny writing now - i wanted to bring Voltron back for me, not Chicklet! that thing rocks!


Wintermute said...

voltron does rock! go, green lion!

The Texan Transplant said...

and while black lion was cool b/c it black and the torso of voltron, blue lion rocked b/c the pilot was a hot blonde.