Sunday, February 25, 2007

sleeping, peeing, and nausea

what a trio of conditions! we didn't expect for cindy to really be feeling any pregnancy symptoms so soon, but by about three days ago, she was getting up to pee all the time. starting last friday, she started getting hit by exhaustion - she'd be fine one minute, and practically falling asleep the next. the good part about her exhaustion is that she didn't wake up at all while i tossed and turned and snored (thanks, allergies!). and now, the piece de resistance - this morning, after she finished breakfast, cindy was telling me how great she was sleeping when she decided to pay a visit to the porcelain god. as soon as the wave of nausea appeared, it also disappeared. very finicky, that one.

so here we are - 2 wks into pregnancy (by reality's time measure, 5 weeks by the period count - which seems to be the timetable by which all pregnancies are measured) and cindy is already a classic example of a mom to be. i love it!

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